LFD: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Information as collected from document "EBF18846_README.txt" (to be found in "EBF18846.tgz") as well as from actual experience updating a Sybase server on an internal virtual host.
{{Info|Before you update to EBF 18446 you <b>have</b> to make sure you are on Sybase ASE ESD#4!}}
{| class=wikitable
! colspan=3 | Status of example components described in this document
! Component !! Before !! After
| Hostname || zicklein8 || zicklein8
| Operating system || SLES 10 SP2 || SLES 10SP2
| Database server software || Sybase ASE 15.0.3 EBF 17776 ESD#4 || Sybase ASE 15.0.3 (EBF 18846)
| Library software || SISIS-SunRise V4.1 || SISIS-SunRise V4.1
== Pre-installation tasks ==
Obtain the appropriate software from OCLC host "newwebserver".
* for an update under SLES (32-bit) use the file "[ftp://ftp.oclc.de/pub/sisis/sybase/r66tf4z6/linux/15.0.3/EBF18846.tgz EBF18846.tgz]" (MD5 sum: 68c931d779c534270b16e96e34902f37)
Verify your current Sybase ASE installation is at version 15.0.3 EBF 17776 ESD#4:
login: <b>sisis</b>
$ SybSQL15.0.3
Give Sybase user [sa]
1> <b>select @@version</b>
2> <b>go</b>
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.3/EBF 17776 ESD#4/P/Linux Intel/Linux 2.6.9-42.
        ELsmp  i686/ase1503/2768/32-bit/FBO/Thu Aug 26 09:22:11 2010
=== Database check ===
Verify that your database (here "sisis") is free of errors. To fulfill this task use the script "SYBASEcheck.sh". Due to performance reasons it is however a good idea not to perform these database checks during opening hours but at night running the script in the crontab of user "sisis". However, make sure to configure the section "MANUAL CONFIGURATION" of the script correctly!
$ <b>SYBASEcheck.sh</b>
Be sure to control the resulting output files under "/OCLC/backup/SYBASECHECK/infofile*"!
$ <b>cd /OCLC/backup/SYBASECHECK</b>
$ <b>grep err infofile*</b>
=== Backup your database ===
Before actually performing the actual update to EBF 18846 backup your database.
{{Info|Dafür muss das Sicherungsskript bzw. eine passende SISIS-Sunrise-Version bereits installiert sein!}}
$ <b>SYBASEbackup.sh -EBF17776</b>
Which Sybase ASE version to use
  1  Sybase ASE 12.5.4
  2  Sybase ASE 15.0.3
Enter your selection [1-2] 2
Enter database name [sisis]
Enter name extension if you want [-EBF17776]
Enter backup directory [/OCLC/backup/MIGRATION-TEST] <b>/OCLC/backup/SYBASECHECK</b>
=== Backup your Sybase ASE installation ===
Installing this EBF will <b>overwrite</b> the current Sybase ASE software. Prior to installing this EBF, make sure to back up your $SYBASE directory, in case you need to roll back to the original version of the software.
Stop the running Sybase server.
# <b>/etc/init.d/SunRiseServer stop</b>
# <b>/etc/init.d/sybase15.0.3 stop</b>
<b>Be sure to backup the following files and devices before continuing</b>:
* the Sybase installation directory (usually "/opt/sybase/15.0.3")
* the Sybase database devices (usually "/SybaseDatabase/15.0.3")
* the Sybase transaction devices (usually "/SybaseLog/15.0.3")
* the Sybase errorlogs (usually "/var/spool/sybase/15.0.3")
* the Sybase start script "/etc/init.d/sybase15.0.3"
<b>How and where to backup these files and devices is not part of this documentation!</b> Nevertheless, usually it can be done as follows.
Check if there is enough space for the directories you want to backup.
# <b>du -sh /opt/sybase \
        /SybaseDatabase/15.0.3 \
        /SybaseLog/15.0.3 \
# <b>df -k</b>
Backup the needed directories.
# <b>cd /OCLC/backup/SybaseASE-15.0.3</b>
# <b>for i in /opt/sybase/15.0.3 \
            /SybaseDatabase/15.0.3 \
            /SybaseLog/15.0.3 \
            /var/spool/sybase/15.0.3; \
    do tar cf - ${i} | tar xf -; done</b>
If you don't have very much disk space, you may backup the needed directories in compressed form which may save a lot of space.
# <b>cd /OCLC/backup/SybaseASE-15.0.3</b>
# <b>tar czf optsybase15.0.3.tgz /opt/sybase/15.0.3</b>
# <b>tar czf sybasedatabase15.0.3.tgz /SybaseDatabase/15.0.3</b>
# <b>tar czf sybaselog15.0.3.tgz /SybaseLog/15.0.3</b>
# <b>tar czf varspoolsybase15.0.3.tgz /var/spool/sybase/15.0.3</b>
== Software deployment ==
=== Updating Java Runtime Environment (JRE) ===
{{Alert|The stuff in this section has not been done yet - and there is no plan to do it}}
Due to security vulnerabilities that have been reported by the Java community and summarized in the Oracle/Sun Advisory at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/javacpufeb2011-304611.html Sybase recommends to upgrade your existing JRE version as follows.
Stop Sybase ASE as well as any Java based application such as Sybase Central, Replicator, DBISQL, Job Scheduler, etc. which uses the current JRE version in directory "/opt/sybase/15.0.3/shared".
The current JRE is stored in directory "/opt/sybase/15.0.3/shared/JRE-6_0_6_32BIT". Rename this directory in order to archive it.
login: <b>sybase</b>
$ <b>cd /opt/sybase/15.0.3/shared</b>
$ <b>mv JRE-6_0_6_32BIT JRE-6_0_6_32BIT_obsolete</b>
Create a new directory "/opt/sybase/15.0.3/shared/JRE-6_0_24_32BIT" and populate it with the JRE files from "Java SE Runtime Environment 6u24" where "6u24" means "Java Version 6 Update 24".
Recursively copy "/opt/sybase/15.0.3/shared/JRE-6_0_24_32BIT" to "/opt/sybase/15.0.3/shared/JRE-6_0_6_32BIT" since some Sybase components need the original JRE path and cannot operate with symbolic links.
Restart Sybase ASE.
Register the new JRE path with Sybase ASE by executing the following commands.
1> <b>use sybpcidb</b>
2> <b>go</b>
1> <b>sp_jreconfig "update", "pca_jvm_module_path",</b>
2> <b>"shared/JRE-6_0_6_32BIT/lib/i386/server/libjvm.so",</b>
3> <b>"shared/JRE-6_0_24_32BIT/lib/i386/server/libjvm.so"</b>
4> <b>go</b>
The new JRE requires more memory therefore, you may need to increase the value of the configuration option "pci memory size" similar to that below by executing the following commands.
1> <b>use master</b>
2> <b>go</b>
3> <b>sp_configure "pci memory size", 65536</b>
4> <b>go</b>
In your shell environment, prepend the new JRE run-time path to the existing LD_LIBRARY_PATH as shown below.
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$SYBASE/shared/JRE-6_0_24_32BIT/lib/i386/server:$SYBASE/shared/JRE-6_0_24_32BIT/lib/i386:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
Restart Sybase ASE.
=== Updating Sybase ASE ===
Remember you <b>have</b> to be on Sybase ASE 15.0.3 ESD#4! This update is not suitable other versions of Sybase ASE.
Stop the running Sybase server.
# <b>/etc/init.d/SunRiseServer stop</b>
# <b>/etc/init.d/sybase15.0.3 stop</b>
Copy the software into directory "/OCLC/software/SybaseASE-15.0.3".
# <b>cp EBF18846.tgz /OCLC/software/SybaseASE-15.0.3</b>
Uncompress the EBF. This will extract the files into a new directory named "ebf18846".
# <b>cd /OCLC/software/SybaseASE-15.0.3</b>
# <b>tar xzf EBF18846.tgz</b>
Recursively copy the extracted EBF directory contents to the directory "/opt/sybase/15.0.3" with the following command as user sybase.
# <b>su sybase</b>
$ <b>cp -R ebf18846/* /opt/sybase/15.0.3</b>
$ <b>exit</b>
Start the Sybase server.
# <b>/etc/init.d/sybase15.0.3 start</b>
Verify your current Sybase ASE installation is at version 15.0.3 EBF 18846 ESD#4.
{{Info|Der SQL-Befehl "select @@version" zeigt idiotischerweise immer noch "EBF 17776 ESD#4" an - das ist aber korrekt!}}
{{Info|Folgender Befehl funktioniert nur auf einem Rechner mit einer Installation von SISIS-Sunrise V4.0 oder höher!
# <b>su - sisis</b>
$ <b>SybSQL15.0.3</b>
Give Sybase user [sa]
1> <b>select @@version</b>
2> <b>go</b>
Adaptive Server Enterprise/15.0.3/EBF 17776 ESD#4/P/Linux Intel/Linux 2.6.9-42.
        ELsmp i686/ase1503/2768/32-bit/FBO/Thu Aug 26 09:22:11 2010
# <b>su - sisis</b>
$ <b>export LANG{{=}}de_DE.UTF-8          \
          SYBASE{{=}}/opt/sybase/15.0.3 \
$ <b>$SYBASE/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usa -Pxxxxxx -SsisisSYB</b>
1> <b>select @@version</b>
2> <b>go</b>
1> <b>quit</b>
You will see that you're on Sybase ASE 18846 if your directory "$SYBASE" (usually "/opt/sybase/15.0.3") contains the following files.
# <b>ls -ltr /opt/sybase/15.0.3</b>
total 720
-rwxr-xr-x  1 sybase sybase  8992 Aug 16 15:57 EBF18846_README.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 sybase sybase  10699 Aug 16 15:57 EBF18846_README.html
-rwxr-xr-x  1 sybase sybase    514 Aug 16 15:57 EBF18846_Filelist.txt
-rwxr-xr-x  1 sybase sybase 494377 Aug 16 15:57 EBF18846_Buglist.txt
drwxr-xr-x 19 sybase sybase  4096 Aug 16 15:58 ASE-15_0
Anlegen von Sicherungen aller Datenbanken, einschliesslich der Datenbank "master", nachdem der Erfolg der Installation festgestellt wurde.
{{todo|Why? What master database? How?}}
{{Info|Auch die folgende Art der Sicherung funktioniert nur, wenn bereits SISIS-Sunrise V4.0 oder höher installiert wurde.}}
$ <b>SYBASEbackup.sh -EBF18846</b>
Which Sybase ASE version to use
  1  Sybase ASE 12.5.4
  2  Sybase ASE 15.0.3
Enter your selection [1-2] 2
Enter database name [sisis]
Enter name extension if you want [-EBF18846]
Enter backup directory [/OCLC/backup/MIGRATION-TEST] <b>/OCLC/backup/SYBASECHECK</b>
Entfernen des Installationsverzeichnisses.
# <b>rm -rf /OCLC/software/SybaseASE-15.0.3/ebf18846</b>
== Weblinks ==
* http://www.sybase.ch/detail?id=1094235
[[Kategorie:Sybase ASE]]

Aktuelle Version vom 29. August 2013, 21:00 Uhr